Margaret Kemigisa, Project Manager, grew up in Kanyawara, on the border of Kibale National Park, and has worked toward its conservation for nearly twenty years. She was the first woman to work as a research assistant in the area, and is certified as both a primary school teacher and headmistress. Margaret is the founder of the Community Action Project, a CBO whose activities include handcraft making, training & marketing; music, dance & drama; animal husbandry & sustainable agriculture; environmental conservation, and; HIV/AIDS and human rights education. In 2011, Margaret received the Pakasa Award from the New Vision, Uganda’s leading newspaper. In 2016, she was elected as the first-ever female Mayor of Kiko Parish.
Murungi Samuel, Science Center Manager, grew up in Kyanyawara and first toured Kibale with NNF’s founders in 2000. He has been involved with the current project since its early beginnings.
Ahaibibu John, Eco-Briquette Supervisor, oversees daily activities for briquette production, maintains reports for the village factory and supervises staff.
Bwambale Maymood, Kasenyi Stove Coordinator, grew up in Kasenyi Village in Queen Elizabeth National Park. He is the founder of the Sibukere Foundation, our CBO partner in this area.
John Kabuleta, Science Center Supervisor & Community Liaison Lead, manages two of the four science centers and is the lead trainer for stove building in all areas.
Luu Tuong Bach, Vietnam Managing Director, has supported NNF’s work in the area since 2014. In 2024 he was promoted to Managing Director, reflecting his contributions and newly added responsibility.
Vu Thi Hong Phuc, Vietnam Conservation Awareness Project Leader, joined the team in 2023.
Canh Van Chuong, Vietnam Stove Lead, grew up in the hills of Minh Son, on the boundary of Khau Ca Forest. He manages stove builders in hamlets all around the forest.
Rebecca Goldstone and Michael Stern, Founders & Project Directors, have been working in and around Kibale since the year 2000. For the first several years of the current project, they lived on site and developed the successful methodologies. Now based in the US, Rebecca runs NNF and Michael is the Curator of Primates & Small Mammals at the Philadelphia Zoo. They travel to Uganda 2-3 times each year to help where needed and ensure the programs continue to evolve in productive ways.
Rebecca Goldstone, President and Co-Founder.
Michael Stern, Secretary and Co-Founder.
Steven T. Stern, Esq., Treasurer, is a retired attorney who now tries to paint at home in Philadelphia and on vacation around the country.
Dr. Kimberly Duffy holds a PhD in Primatology and conducted her thesis research on chimpanzees living in Kibale. She currently is head of the science department, IB biology teacher and college counselor at the International School of Uganda.
Ann Marie Gage works with non-profit organizations in Colorado for biodiversity conservation and endangered species recovery.
Sarah Thérèse Kenney is an editorial executive at a modern language publisher in Boston.
Dr. Elana Levites-Agababa is a pediatric doctor and researcher. Dr Agababa also volunteers at health clinics for immigrant and refugee children in Philadelphia and Camden.
Mark Vibbert is a conservation specialist who spent over 15 years working in eco-tourism, development, and conservation in East Africa. He is now the Stewardship Director at Manada Conservancy, a land protection specialization organization in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Colin Chapman, long-time Kibale researcher, is a Biologist and Biological Anthropologist at Vancouver Island University. He is a Killam Fellow of the Royal Society, a Conservation Fellow of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a Velan Humanitarian Award winner.
Avra Lorrimer is the Chief Growth Officer at Hill & Knowlton Strategies in London.
Janson Wu, Esq. is the Senior Director of State Advocacy and Government Affairs at the Trevor Project.